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产品服务五:Coal Market Weekly

《英文煤焦周刊》是由Mysteel煤焦资讯部每周编辑发布的行业电子周刊杂志,内容包括每周概览、煤炭价格指数 行业新闻、市场分析等。主要面向的发行对象包含国内外各大煤矿、钢厂、贸易企业以及能源研究机构金融投行并且受到了行业人员的一致认同与肯定,至今总计发行超过150期。会员订购价1000美元/年,发送方式:电子邮件,发送频率:每周一上午,咨询热线:王欣瑜 021-26093877

Coal Market Weekly” A weekly publication offering insight into the rapidly changing mining&coking industry, including price, trade and tender information as well as the most current statistics for both domestic and oversea markets. Our report geared toward to domestic and global mining company, steelmaker, trading company, energy research institution, financial investment bank and have received significant recognition by industry participants and issued over 150 so far

VIP subscription price 1000USD/year,received by email every Monday’s morning ,consulting service hotline:Alice Wang 021-26093877

Coal Market Weekly

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